Team Kick-off online
2025-09-12 09:00 - 10:00 CET
In-Person Event Start
2025-09-23 10:00 CET
In-Person Event End
2025-09-25 16:00 CET
Advanced DMAIC Tools online
From 2025-10-09 to 2025-10-10 08:00 - 12:00 CET
Exam and Certification:
at your preferred time until the end of 2025
From 2025-10-10 to 2025-12-31
As Master Black Belt you will be in a highly visible role in your organization. You help to operationalize and realize the company objectives by identifying opportunities and setting up the improvement projects and routines.
You are the sparring partner for your company leaders in all aspects of process improvement, i.e. Lean Six Sigma, Continuous Improvement, Lean Management, etc. You drive culture change, lead major transformations and develop people.
You will learn to:
Our offering in a nutshell:
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